by Nabila Ramdani
This is a very frustrating book.
It has editorial errors-claiming the returning Bourbons were on the throne until 1848 for instance-that could easily have been fixed. It is very repetitive, telling us the same thing in different chapters. The author also seems enamoured with the Anglo Saxon world and the UK in particular. She highlights institutional racism in the French police but forgets the problems of stop and search in the London met and the ongoing reports of racism there. Also, while berating the French education system it would have been helpful if she had outlined how she managed to beat the system.
Having said all this, the book is well structured, looking at different facets of society in different chapters and it is great to have the anger of ethnic minority groups spelt out. The call for a sixth republic is heartfelt and well reasoned. I also found the final chapter on foreign policy informative and scary. 7/10