Wednesday, August 14, 2019


by Jeanette Winterson
As you can guess by the title this has echoes of Frankenstein throughout.
The book starts with Mary Shelley in Italy where she first gets the idea for her famous book. Switch abruptly to a tech show in Memphis for adult toys and robots and enter Ron Lord. He is a very funny character and if Dickens was alive now I can imagine him conjuring up such a character along with his soon to be partner Claire, Enter also Ry Shelley, a doctor who is trans and used to be called Mary. Enter also Victor Stein a very intelligent academic in the field of AI who falls in love with Ry-or does he?
As well as being funny in places it is also a book that provokes you to think about what it means to be human as well as gender patterns.
The end was not perfect, a little too contrived and clunky but a great read none the less. 9/10

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