Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism

by Shoshana Zuboff
This book is very hard to summarise in what is effectively my book list but it will stay with me for a long time.
On the negative side it probably labours its point by being a bit too long and having Google and Facebook as target number one without widening that out too much may put some people off, However, that aside this is a masterpiece. The laying bear of what the tech companies are about is relentless and breathtaking in its scope. In 1996 I thought google was the best thing I had ever seen. That naivety now lays in ruins.
The compare and contrast with totalitarianism is  excellent and the third section on where do we go from here was scary and very thought provoking. I would urge anybody interested in technology and/or the future of our society to read this book 9/10

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