Wednesday, August 07, 2013

A tale for the time being

by Ruth Ozeki
This is a fascinating book.
It is the story of a diary written by a Japanese teenager who has returned from California with her family and is horribly bullied at school. Her father is depressed and suicidal and her diary together with the influence of her great grandmother is her only way through her troubles.
The diary is found washed up on the beach by a couple who live on an island in Canada. This is not long after the earthquake and tsunami in the north of Japan and throughout the book we are longing to know how this diary got there and whether its author is still alive.
The book is really absorbing as it moves from the second world war to the dot com crash to 9/11 to the present day, introducing the reader to zen and quantum physics along the way. I can't begin to do the book justice but it made me laugh, it made me sad, it made me think and it has the most realistic cat you will ever find described in a novel! I loved this book 9/10

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