Friday, June 03, 2016

The Story of a New Name

by Elena Ferrante
The second in the Neopolitan quartet follows Lila on her disastrous marriage and Lenu on her journey through the education system. It deals in raw detail with domestic violence and the male dominated society of the girls upbringing. These parts of the book were difficult for me but what drew me in was the reflections of Lenu on growing up in a working class environment where little things we now take for granted(telephone, fridge, washing machine) were luxury goods only owned by the well to do in society. This kept lighting up memories from my own past.
I also empathised with the struggle to fit into a society where everyone but you seems to know the rules, and no matter how bright you maybe you are always one step away from your next social faux pas.
But underneath this is a story of a friendship that endures and that is what makes it so engaging and so human. I am looking forward to part 3. 9/10

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