by Eileen Horne
This is the story of the Vizetelly publishing house and the trouble it got into by publishing the novels of Emile Zola. It highlights the sheer madness of a society that allows a bunch of people with extremely clear views of what is right and wrong to drive public opinion over the edge of a cliff. The outcome of these 2 cases which resulted in Henry Vizetelly being imprisoned for 3 months had long repercussions in England with many books banned/destroyed. This was not reversed until the 1960's and the new laws on obscene publications together with the Lady Chatterley case.
The author of this book covers the ground really well but I found the novelistic style a bit much at times. I also would have to complain again about the poor editing, with words missed out or spelt incorrectly or merged together. Who does read these books before going out?
The dustjacket cover is fabulous! 6/10
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