Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The Story of the Lost Child

by Elena Ferrante
So the final book in this quartet. I left book 3 feeling annoyed with Lenu. This book brings us back to Naples and covers the second half of the six decades this quartet covers.
It is a very sad and at times painful portrayal of friendship and whether it can last the ravages of time. I find myself wondering with which character I empathise most. Lenu is extremely selfish. I didn't buy her justifications for writing a novel that borrows from her friends deeply personal loss, but I guess at the end of the day she had her own battles to fight.
I think my sympathy lies mostly with Pietro. Even though the book talked a lot about Leila it would be wonderful to hear this story told from her perspective. Like Lenu, I guess we know that will never happen. A memorable quartet of books 9/10

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