Monday, June 16, 2014

Mitterand: A study in ambiguity

by Philip Short
Very readable and as the title suggests highlight admirably the glaring ambiguities in Mitterands life from start to finish. Really enjoyable 9/10


by John Williams
This film came heavily recommended and although I enjoyed the writing style and the central character, William Stoner, I found the support characters-his wife, Lomax his enemy in the University, his daughter Grace and others a bit thinly drawn and in the case of his wife, Edith, a little hard to believe in.
Stoner was born on a farm, went to University, married badly, had an affair, taught at the University where he had some scrapes and died. Much more interesting than that summary would suggest but not great 7/10

The Color Purple

by Alice Walker
A quarter of the way through this book I was ready to give up, it was so heavy going, but I am glad I persevered. the characters are wonderfully drawn and it has a very upbeat ending.
The story of a Southern woman in the early 1900's, Celie, her sister, the jazz singer Shug Avery and a host of other characters is both painful and moving, amusing and sad, and entirely engaging 8/10