Sunday, July 29, 2018


by Olga Tokarczuk
This is a collection of tales wound together by airports and flights and travel. They go back and forth in time and are beautifully told. Almost before you realise it you have tumbled into a new story and then just as you are settling down with it you take off on the back of another story. 8/10

Friday, July 06, 2018

Dawn of the Belle Epoque

by Mary McCauliffe
I have always enjoyed Mary McCauliffe's writing about Paris, ever since Paris Notes-which I still miss by the way.
This is a very readable book and well researched, and it left me wanting to seek out places I have never been to in Paris-small galleries and quirky corners. It's also about 19th Century France/Paris so how can you not love it. 8/10

Brideshead Revisited

I really enjoyed revisiting Brideshead after a long break-it must be 30 years ago I last read it. It has lost nothing of its attraction and I fell in love with the characters all over again. 9/10

Blood Wedding

by Pierre Lemaitre
Typical Lemaitre, gruesome, gripping and full of twists and turns it is a can't put down, can't take any more type of book. 9/10

A far cry from Kensington

by Muriel Spark
Really enjoyed this. Great characters with a narrator offering useful asides to the reader which made me chuckle on ore than one occassion. Will definitely read more of Muriel Spark 8/10