Sunday, January 28, 2024

Vanity Fair

By WM Thackeray 
Brilliant.  Very funny in places and peopled with interesting characters.  Becky Sharp is complex but great. Some of the names are ridiculous but I really enjoyed this. 8/10

About Uncle

By Rebecca Gisler
A strange short novel set in Brittany about a brother and sister and their ill uncle. Funny in places, wierd in others,  I was never sure I was getting what was going on. 6/10

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Anthony Trollope - A Victorian in his world

 by Richard Mullen

This book, published in 1990 is clearly written by a Trollope enthusiast and is none the worse for that. It is a very readable and comprehensive introduction to the man and his writing. It quotes widely from the novels showing how his writing is drawn from his life which was lived at a crazy pace. As well as writing 80 books he had a 30 year career in the post office and travelled widely around the globe and Europe. 

The writing is very readable and the author's asides (mimicking Trollope?) are very amusing. A very enjoyable read. 9/10