Friday, April 05, 2019

The Wall

by John Lanchester
A novel set in a post climate disaster world where are narrator is doing his national service on a massive wall that runs all the way around the UK to keep the others out.
At one point our hero tells us nothing much happens on the wall and he is right! Nothing much happens in the novel. The story that is told is told well but there is not a lot to tell. Life is boring, something major happens followed by a period which is dramatic but actually not much happens, the end. 5/10

Journey to a War

by WH Auden and Christopher Isherwood
This is a fascinating book written in 1938 and tells the story of a journey around China at the time of the Sino Japanese war.
The language is politically incorrect at times and their behaviours from a different age, but the writing is superb and the poetry is intoxicating-especially the sonnets. 9/10